Datum | Baan 2 | Baan 3 | - | Baan 4 | Baan 5 | - | Baan 6 | Baan 7 | - | Baan 8 | |||
05-09-2024 | Split Happens | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Pinbusters | Time to Strike | - | All in the Game | Strike Fighters | - | Fun Players | |||
12-09-2024 | Fun Players | Strike Fighters | - | Split Happens | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Time to Strike | All in the Game | - | Pinbusters | |||
19-09-2024 | Simons Vloer en Wand | Pinbusters | - | Fun Players | All in the Game | - | Strike Fighters | Time to Strike | - | Split Happens | |||
26-09-2024 | All in the Game | Fun Players | - | Time to Strike | Pinbusters | - | Split Happens | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Strike Fighters | |||
03-10-2024 | Time to Strike | Split Happens | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Strike Fighters | - | Pinbusters | Fun Players | - | All in the Game | |||
10-10-2024 | Strike Fighters | Time to Strike | - | Pinbusters | Split Happens | - | Fun Players | All in the Game | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | |||
17-10-2024 | Pinbusters | All in the Game | - | Split Happens | Fun Players | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Strike Fighters | - | Time to Strike | |||
24-10-2024 | position |
round | |||||||||||
pos. 7 | pos. 1 | - | pos. 2 | pos. 3 | - | pos. 4 | pos. 5 | - | pos. 6 | ||||
31-10-2024 | Split Happens | All in the Game | - | Time to Strike | Fun Players | - | Strike Fighters | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Pinbusters | |||
05 + 06 + 07-11-2024 | Gouds |
Dubbel |
kampioenschap | (scratch) | |||||||||
14-11-2024 | Fun Players | Time to Strike | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | All in the Game | - | Pinbusters | Split Happens | - | Strike Fighters | |||
21-11-2024 | Simons Vloer en Wand | Strike Fighters | - | All in the Game | Split Happens | - | Time to Strike | Pinbusters | - | Fun Players | |||
28-11-2024 | All in the Game | Split Happens | - | Pinbusters | Strike Fighters | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Fun Players | - | Time to Strike | |||
12-12-2024 | Time to Strike | Pinbusters | - | Strike Fighters | All in the Game | - | Fun Players | Split Happens | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | |||
15-12-2024 | Kerst | - | toernooi | - | borrel | ||||||||
19-12-2024 | Strike Fighters | Fun Players | - | Split Happens | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | All in the Game | Time to Strike | - | Pinbusters | |||
09-01-2025 | Pinbusters | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Fun Players | Time to Strike | - | Strike Fighters | All in the Game | - | Split Happens | |||
16-01-2025 | position |
round | |||||||||||
pos. 7 | pos. 5 | - | pos. 6 | pos. 1 | - | pos. 2 | pos. 3 | - | pos. 4 | ||||
23-01-2025 | Split Happens | Strike Fighters | - | Fun Players | Pinbusters | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Time to Strike | - | All in the Game | |||
30-01-2025 | Fun Players | All in the Game | - | Pinbusters | Strike Fighters | - | Split Happens | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Time to Strike | |||
06-02-2025 | Simons Vloer en Wand | Time to Strike | - | Split Happens | Fun Players | - | Pinbusters | Strike Fighters | - | All in the Game | |||
13-02-2025 | All in the Game | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Strike Fighters | Time to Strike | - | Fun Players | Pinbusters | - | Split Happens | |||
20-02-2025 | Time to Strike | Fun Players | - | All in the Game | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Split Happens | Pinbusters | - | Strike Fighters | |||
25-02 + 27-02 + 02-03-2025 |
Goudse | kampioensch. | |||||||||||
06-03-2025 | Strike Fighters | All in the Game | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Pinbusters | - | Time to Strike | Split Happens | - | Fun Players | |||
13-03-2025 | Pinbusters | Strike Fighters | - | Time to Strike | Split Happens | - | All in the Game | Fun Players | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | |||
20-03-2025 | position |
round | |||||||||||
pos. 7 | pos. 3 | - | pos. 4 | pos. 5 | - | pos. 6 | pos. 1 | - | pos. 2 | ||||
27-03-2025 | Split Happens | Pinbusters | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Time to Strike | - | All in the Game | Strike Fighters | - | Fun Players | |||
03-04-2025 | Fun Players | Split Happens | - | Strike Fighters | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Time to Strike | All in the Game | - | Pinbusters | |||
10-04-2025 | Simons Vloer en Wand | Pinbusters | - | Fun Players | All in the Game | - | Strike Fighters | Time to Strike | - | Split Happens | |||
17-04-2025 | All in the Game | Fun Players | - | Time to Strike | Pinbusters | - | Split Happens | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Strike Fighters | |||
22-04-2025 + 24-04-2025 |
5e Gouds | HCP | Champions | toernooi | |||||||||
01-05-2025 | Time to Strike | Simons Vloer en Wand | - | Split Happens | Strike Fighters | - | Pinbusters | Fun Players | - | All in the Game | |||
08-05-2025 | Strike Fighters | Time to Strike | - | Pinbusters | Split Happens | - | Fun Players | All in the Game | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | |||
15-05-2025 | Pinbusters | Split Happens | - | All in the Game | Fun Players | - | Simons Vloer en Wand | Strike Fighters | - | Time to Strike | |||
22-05-2025 | position |
round | |||||||||||
pos. 7 | pos. 1 | - | pos. 2 | pos. 3 | - | pos. 4 | pos. 5 | - | pos. 6 | ||||
27-05-2025 | Dinsdag | - | donderdag | finale |
League bestuur |
Voorzitter | Ben van de Heuvel |
Penningmeester | Ron Vlasveld |
Secretaris | Dik van Stein |
Team |
Team naam |
Team captain |
1 | Simons Vloerenwand |
Kees Dessing |
2 | Pinbusters |
Dave Brakeboer |
3 | Time to Strike |
Dik van Stein |
4 | All in the Game |
Ruud Badoux |
5 | Strike Fighters |
Fabian van Tok |
6 | Fun Players |
Patrick Castelijn |
7 | Split Happens |
Fraukje de Kreij |